Autobiographical Game
The autobiographical game I developed takes players on a journey through significant decisions in my life. The game begins with the player controlling a car at a crossroads, symbolizing my decision post-high school graduation. Players must choose between two paths, leading to monuments representing Philadelphia and Atlanta. The correct path, Atlanta, leads to the next scene, while the wrong path, Philadelphia, ends the game with the car driving off a cliff.
In the second scene, the player is prompted to "pick a school to transfer to," choosing between Clark Atlanta University and Parsons. Selecting Clark Atlanta University leads to the graduation scene, successfully concluding the game.
*only on desktop
Data Portrait
For this assignment, I spent a week tracking my most frequently visited locations to create a visual representation through data. Followed by animating the portrait using programming concepts learned in class, I chose to track my daily commute to and from school using data from Google Maps and the iPhone Fitness app. The design emulates a functional map, featuring landmarks encountered on my route. The animation depicts a "Yankees" fitted cap (representing myself) traveling along the route, with photos of different destinations appearing when the mouse hovers over a specific location.
*only on desktop